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Ignition Configs

Ignition configs define how disks should be provisioned (on network boot and first-boot from disk) to partition disks, write files (regular files, systemd units, networkd units, etc.), and configure users. Ignition is used by:

  • Fedora CoreOS
  • RHEL CoreOS
  • Flatcar Linux

See the Ignition Config v3.x specs for details.


Ignition configs can be added to the /var/lib/matchbox/ignition directory or in an ignition subdirectory of a custom -data-path. Ignition configs must end in .ign or ignition.

 ├── ignition
 │   └── k8s-controller.ign
 │   └── k8s-worker.ign
 └── profiles

Matchbox Profiles can set an Ignition config for provisioning machines. Specify the Ignition config in a Profile with ignition_id.

  "id": "worker",
  "name": "My Profile",
  "boot": {
  "ignition_id": "my-ignition.ign"

When PXE booting, set kernel arguments depending on the OS (e.g. ignition.firstboot on FCOS, flatcar.first_boot=yes on Flatcar).

Point the ignition.config.url or flatcar.config.url to point to the matchbox Ignition endpoint.

Matchbox parses Ignition configs (e.g. .ign or .ignition) at spec v3.3 or below and renders to the current supported version (v3.3). This relies on Ignition's forward compatibility.

Writing Configs

Ignition configs can be prepared externally and loaded via the gRPC API, rather than writing Ignition by hand.


Terraform can be used to prepare Ignition configs, while providing integrations with external systems and rich templating. Using tools like poseidon/terraform-provider-ct, you can write Butane config (an easier YAML format), validate configs, and load Ignition into Matchbox (examples).

Define a Butane config for Fedora CoreOS or Flatcar Linux:

variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    - name: core
        - ssh-key foo
variant: flatcar
version: 1.1.0
    - name: core
        - ssh-key foo

Define a ct_config data source with strict validation. Optionally use Terraform templating.

data "ct_config" "worker" {
  content      = file("worker.yaml")
  strict       = true
  pretty_print = false

  snippets = [

Then render the Butane config to Ignition and use it in a Matchbox Profile.

resource "matchbox_profile" "fedora-coreos-install" {
  name   = "worker"
  kernel = "/assets/fedora-coreos/fedora-coreos-${var.os_version}-live-kernel-x86_64"
  initrd = [
    "--name main /assets/fedora-coreos/fedora-coreos-${var.os_version}-live-initramfs.x86_64.img"

  args = [

  raw_ignition = data.ct_config.worker.rendered

See the Terraform examples for details.


The Butane command line tool can be used to convert Butane configs (an easier YAML format) to Ignition. Then you can use the Matchbox gRPC API to upload the rendered Ignition to Matchbox for serving to machines on boot.

See examples/ignition for Butane config examples.

Matchbox Rendering

While Matchbox recommends preparing Ignition configs externally (e.g. using Terraform's rich templating), Matchbox does still support limited templating and translation features with a builtin Butane converter.

Specify a Butane config in a Profile with ignition_id (file must not end in .ign or .ignition).

  "id": "worker",
  "name": "My Profile",
  "boot": {
  "ignition_id": "butane.yaml"

Here is an example Butane config with Matchbox template elements. Template files may contain Go template elements which will be interpreted using group metadata, selectors, and query params.

variant: flatcar
version: 1.1.0
    - path: /var/home/core/foo
      mode: 0644
        inline: |

{{ if index . "ssh_authorized_keys" }}
    - name: core
        {{ range $element := .ssh_authorized_keys }}
        - {{$element}}

Matchbox will use the Butane library to config to the current supported Ignition version. This relies on Ignition's forward compatibility.